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GIS and It's History (Part.1)


GIS is an abbreviation of the Information System is the geographical information system to collect, store, analyze, manage, and display the data that has a geographic reference (georeference). GIS in the Indonesian language, also known as GIS (Geographic Information System). This system can be a collection of some of the software that is integrated to obtain information that is RELIGIOUS. Specifically GIS is a tool that can be used to search the data, analyze spatial information, manage data, maps and displays them in a certain view. In addition, when combined with the use of computers as a component of the current GIS, the GIS can also be interpreted as a computer-based system that is used to store, and analyze objects and phenomena-the geographic location where the phenomenon is a characteristic that important or critical analysis.
In addition to the above definition, there are some characteristics of the other GIS namely:

• is a collection of hardware, software, instructions and methods to capture, manage, manipulate and display information RELIGIOUS
• is a decision support system
• broader function of mapping tools (Computer Aided-Cartography), Hope has the ability to analyze
• different from the CAD (Computer-Aided Design), because the reference RELIGIOUS (spatial)
• also different from the DBMS (Database Management System), because they have the interface to map data.
With a variety of objectives that are RELIGIOUS information, GIS is a tool that can be used as scientific research, resource management, asset management, urban planning, product marketing, making maps and more. All the goals are used as materials for the decision based on information that has been poured through GIS. In this case GIS closely related to the product in the form of a map.


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