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Open Source GIS (Part.1)


In addition QGIS still many other GIS software that can compete with commercial GIS software, which is currently dominated by ESRI. Open Source Applications (OS) SIG itself can be categorized into 2, namely the Library SIG OS and application OS SIG. Library GDAL such as GIS, the OS / ORG, Proj4, GEOS, GML4J, JTS, GeoTools, created with the goal of building a module in the application. GIS applications OS preferable to the interests of users in the GIS process. OS GIS applications can be divided into 3 types:

1) Desktop Applications. Such as: QGIS, GRASS, MapWindow, Thuban, OpenMap, ILWIS, etc..
2) Web-based applications. Such as MapServer, MapGuideOS, GeoServer, and DeeGree
3) Applications Database. Such as PostGIS


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